

This story of Aslan kept me going even in my unbelief, my wayward lifestyle, my sin, my desperation, my hopelessness. Even as an unbelief I still thought of Aslan as a placeholder for Hod even when I didn’t believe. Two nights before I came back to Christ I had a dream I was standing on a cliff, a gaping ravine in front of me and a white lion on the other cliff facing me. All he said was “you are mine”.  I’ll never forget the power the chronicles of Narnia made in my life, who Aslan represented and that great white lion, the Lion of Judah who called me out of my darkness and despair and called me His own. I realize these stories are an allegory, but I will be forever grateful for their impact because they helped me see Him. The lion in this story is the method and language at that time I could only hear. If I had not been called in any other fashion I doubt I would’ve believed or accepted the Truth. I would’ve turned a deaf ear, lost all remaining scrap of hope and given up wholly and entirely to the depravity, grief, isolation, doubt and lack of any of the smallest of percentages of sense of self worth I had remaining at the time. Yes, this is a story but it brought me back from the brink to the greatest story ever told. I encourage you to consider looking at them in a new light. Even if only for a moment, that moment may carry you through times like those I’ve experienced. This dream is the very reason I tattooed a lion with a crown over the Buddha eyes I had on my upper left arm. I could no longer believe I could attain enlightenment in my own strength. He never let me go, even though He used this narrative as a means to speak to on a language I could understand.

“Do not weep! See, the Lion of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.” Revelations 5: 5
