Here With Me

I feel like there should be more ways to convey that word in English, a better way to convey the depth. Like when word suffixes in other languages totally change the meaning and how they relate to the entire rest of every word in the sentence. Or how in the Bible if LORD is written in all capitol letters it is God Himself- everything He is say versus with just the L in Lord being capitalized it’s His title; but He’s still showing up in both situations.

Suffice it to say I stake my life on the fact that I have only gotten through because of His strength, His providence and the fact that He is WITH me in every way shape and form. At 3 am, when I’m too busy to think and He’s keeping me level, when there’s nothing else, no logical explanation for how I made it through the last hour (or less somedays).

Knowing He is WITH me through the pain, the tears, the struggles but also all the joys as well. Knowing He’s with me in those moments I’m either too numb or exhausted to even think more than His name, or more recently when I can’t turn my brain off and things are going 1,000 miles a minute in 20 different directions.

He’s with me in the silence and the chaos .

He watches the sunrises with me.
He helps me through the countless kindnesses of others and watches with me how their actions affect my life for the better, help my own faith grow or even stabilize.

He is WITH me as I’m too tired to go on and says, “Heather, stop trying to push through and keep doing it on your own or how someone else laid it out. I know every single thing about you, I love you, I’m listening, I am HERE. Put it all down and let Me take over. Trust Me, I will never leave you or forsake you, I will guide you with my eyes upon you, I know your needs even before you do and am already working on them, I know your heartache and am close to the broken hearted, I will be WITH you in your coming and going. I will supply all your needs, I am WITH YOU as you walk through yet another shadow of the valley of death, but we’re walking through it because there is something better on the other side – but we needed to go this way for a reason because the next mountain top I’m leading you can only be found this way. I am the Good Shepard who will protect you. I am closer than the breath in your lungs and spirit and soul. I am WITH you and watch over you as you sleep and when you are awake.

Let me carry that. I’m here WITH you, waiting to fulfill my promise that my yoke is easy and my burden light. Let me pull the weight you were never meant to try and pull yourself but society and people and experiences have told you otherwise. Let Me handle this; I’m here WITH you, lovingly waiting to take it because I care too much about you to force you to do it. That’s why there’s free will- I love you too much to take anything from you without your consent.

I’m here. I’m with you. Let me take that so you can rest.

Once you do, and as you rest and be still You will actively know that I AM God because of what I will do and show you and work all things out for your good”.

He’s with me when there’s only so much compartmentalization I  can do until my brain becomes The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe. But at least there are underground, aqueducts, and wells of Living Water that can get both me and you through.


The underground aqueduct in our minds
The underground aqueduct in our minds

Good Lessons

For as many lessons I’ve learned, I’m only now learning to realize the proximity between pain, suffering, friends, family, the power of prayer, the power of grief, but above all the hope of glory and the strength I have done nothing to earn, but am so lavishly, freely graciously (and am beyond words able to express grateful) to be given throughout each of these moments’ intersections, interweaving and often undoings.

But the undoing is not the deep pit it once was, but to an an undoing that brings me instead to my knees in awe that God Himself dwells within me and is eternally with me; the cross lays a barrier now against what the Pilgram’s Progress called the slow despondency within.

My cross to bear is only as heavy as I choose to make it. And I am aghast at the titanic weight I’ve chosen to give it when He offers again and again to bear its weight and my own as well freely each new breath if I let Him. He said for my yoke is easy and my burden light.

It is not He but I who am just beginning the glimpsing of how life can be. He was before all things, is now and will be forever, but it took me until now to realize how He can use moments we feel will never end as when in pain (which seems to be the greatest equalizer but I may be wrong, but it also the times of when greatest empathy and compassion and decency are shown) to show us what timelessness can mean.

There is so much darkness readily identifiable, so very, very much more not spoken of that needs to be, and so much of its true source is the enemy keeping us from acknowledging we need the Light and the grace of forgiveness and love, mercy and strength offered instead of we only lift our eyes.

Come Jesus Come Acoutic Stephen McWhirter

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus performed by Rosemary Siemens:

Abide by Aaron Williams

I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day performed by Casting Crowns