Just Try

Just a few phrases and facts to preface this with (if this were a scientific or psychological or professional peer reviewed article consider this the abstract):

“People don’t care what you know until they know you care”

“To fix a problem you need to acknowledge there is one to begin with”

“We cannot change another person’s behavior or beliefs or the like. That is ultimately up to them – and for good reason, they’re not going to be coming to you at 3 am. They’re going to go to their behaviors and higher power not you. All you can do is offer what has worked for you, plant the seed and love them as they make their decision(s) and continue to love them even if when they make said decision it’s not the one you were hoping for”.

“People only hear what they want to and are capable of hearing.”

“If they say they care then they will make the time to communicate with you. It doesn’t have to be a 3 hour conversation every night, but if they care they will make the time.”

“Truth is subjective until it isn’t anymore. Our eyes actually transmit what we see to our brains through the visual cortex and it gets flipped on the horizontal axis so our brains process reality upside down, or reality is really reversed than how we perceive it” (upside down kingdom)

“The simple things in life are the most beautiful, precious, often fleeting and hardest to follow” (keep it simple, stupid)

“Yesterday’s gone, tomorrow – even the next heartbeat- is not promised, all we have is today”

“Contrary to popular belief, people can change. To say that’s just how they are, they’ll never change, excuses them of responsibility and robs them the opportunity of growing through a new behavior (be it mental, verbal, emotional, spiritual), lifestyle or mindset. But they will only change if they want to”

“Hurt people hurt people”

That’s enough to chew on for a while for sure but there are some things that I think deserve additional attention to flesh out the full implications and not have it taken out of context.

One of my favorite movies growing up was the Princess Bride and one of the best lines is “Life is suffering highness. Whoever tells you anything else is selling you something”. Even Jesus, whether you believe in Him or not, said in John 16:33 that “in this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world”

We are all broken people- none of us are perfect, have a perfect life despite our social media highlight reels and are living in a broken world whose very existence is treated with every passing year with worse and worse chemicals being injected or into our farms and food supplies, is has been a long standing fact that it’s nearly impossible to eat healthy if you’re forced to watch your food budget.

Many are forced to choose between food and paying for rent, utilities, transportation and other basic necessities. At the time of this Feeding America report in 2018, one in nine adults and one in seven children lived in households without consistent access to adequate food. When analyzed in 2018, across the 37 million those individuals estimated to be food insecure, however, the national shortfall stands at nearly 19.5 billion. Through the lens of local meal costs, it is possible to see how difficult it is to afford enough food to live active healthy lives.

Not only that but making necessary dietary changes to account for health reasons such as gluten intolerance or other allergies for example can add quite easily an additional $200 a month to an individual’s food budget. This is to say nothing of the stress of having to constantly have on hand food that you are able to eat, be able to find a local restaurant that offers food you are able to eat and deal with at the very cheapest $3 for exchanging white wheat or rye toast for Cauliflower bread.

But this is representative of our societal and individual starvation and cost we are expected to pay to even get proper “nutrition”. We are the most connected, fastest growing generation concerning technological advancement, progress and availability of information (what once ranged about 80 years now only takes about 2.5), yet we more isolated, lonely, overlooked and neglected who not only lack connection, but even the language, capacity or ability to build those lacking skills for want of available resources such as free or low cost events to gather with others in real life versus via some sort of screen.

“US Trends in Social Isolation, Social Engagement, and Companionship”

presented us with the following sad but true supporting research findings in 2022:

Social connectedness is essential for health and longevity, while isolation exacts a heavy toll on individuals and society. We present U.S. social connectedness magnitudes and trends as target phenomena to inform calls for policy-based approaches to promote social health. Using the 2003–2020 American Time Use Survey, this study finds that, nationally, social isolation increased, social engagement with family, friends, and ‘others’ (roommates, neighbors, acquaintances, coworkers, clients, etc.) decreased, and companionship (shared leisure and recreation) decreased.

Humans are one of the most social of all animals and seek frequent, on-going social engagement . Social isolation (i.e., social deficits indicated by infrequent or insufficient engagement with others) is linked to decrements in health and longevity. Isolated individuals are at elevated risk for cardiovascular disease, dementia, infectious disease, low functional status, anxious or depressed mood, biological markers of poor health (e.g., C-reactive protein, fibrinogen levels), and mortality including overdose and suicide. Isolation is comparable to or rivals other well-known mortality risk factors like air pollution, smoking, and inactivity. (Kannan VD, Veazie PJ.)

We have to actively fight this epidemic and engage with others even if it means going out of your comfort zone- in fact it would be better for all parties involved if this were the case- to facilitate human contact, listen to and possibly learn from each other, express (or learn) empathy, compassion and a different perspective. If all we ever do is stay within our comfort zone of already established societal bubbles, what would keep us from intellectual, emotional and mental stagnation at best or atrophy if brutally honest?

We only know less than 1/10th of what any individual is going through and even your closest friends and family members if you are lucky enough to have them often still hold back.

We all have gone through periods of hurting, have recently come out of it, are in it, or are about to go into it. We need to recognize that if we do something as small as make eye contact or even smile at a stranger that could potentially be lifesaving. Adding a compliment not based on their appearance (such as their smile or thanking them for service if at a check out counter, or especially if they are wearing any type of uniform or veteran’s hat etc) can increase this impact ten-fold. Doing so actually helps us ease our own hurt and potentially theirs however briefly. However, let us not discount this powerful action based on the length of the interaction.

Unfortunately it may be easier to do this for strangers because of the brevity mentioned. When it comes to friends and family if we say we care we actually need to back that up and show up instead of just one or two sentences on the inside of a holiday card. They need us just as much as we need them and if regular contact is not maintained – however short and through whatever platform or method(s) are most comfortable- then we need to evaluate the situation. Time is something that flies by too fast and we are never promised and even sending a simple text asking how their day is going or sharing something that made you laugh can do wonders. It’s the simple intangibles that often go farther than we will ever realize.

We need to be willing to change and reject the lie that people will never change. Yes it might take a near death experience- hopefully not- but people can and do change when they want to. And change for the better.

But none of this will take place if we don’t at least acknowledge that the current situation is what it is and that there are crises, wounds, secret “hanging on only by a thread” individuals in our lives that we most likely do not even realize because society and our experiences have taught us to hide it so well.

It’s getting better than it was a number of years ago, but there is still a lot of work to be done.

Be kind to someone. It takes so little. Or if that’s too challenging at this moment, try to refrain from verbalizing one negative comment at least once this week.

Here With Me

I feel like there should be more ways to convey that word in English, a better way to convey the depth. Like when word suffixes in other languages totally change the meaning and how they relate to the entire rest of every word in the sentence. Or how in the Bible if LORD is written in all capitol letters it is God Himself- everything He is say versus with just the L in Lord being capitalized it’s His title; but He’s still showing up in both situations.

Suffice it to say I stake my life on the fact that I have only gotten through because of His strength, His providence and the fact that He is WITH me in every way shape and form. At 3 am, when I’m too busy to think and He’s keeping me level, when there’s nothing else, no logical explanation for how I made it through the last hour (or less somedays).

Knowing He is WITH me through the pain, the tears, the struggles but also all the joys as well. Knowing He’s with me in those moments I’m either too numb or exhausted to even think more than His name, or more recently when I can’t turn my brain off and things are going 1,000 miles a minute in 20 different directions.

He’s with me in the silence and the chaos .

He watches the sunrises with me.
He helps me through the countless kindnesses of others and watches with me how their actions affect my life for the better, help my own faith grow or even stabilize.

He is WITH me as I’m too tired to go on and says, “Heather, stop trying to push through and keep doing it on your own or how someone else laid it out. I know every single thing about you, I love you, I’m listening, I am HERE. Put it all down and let Me take over. Trust Me, I will never leave you or forsake you, I will guide you with my eyes upon you, I know your needs even before you do and am already working on them, I know your heartache and am close to the broken hearted, I will be WITH you in your coming and going. I will supply all your needs, I am WITH YOU as you walk through yet another shadow of the valley of death, but we’re walking through it because there is something better on the other side – but we needed to go this way for a reason because the next mountain top I’m leading you can only be found this way. I am the Good Shepard who will protect you. I am closer than the breath in your lungs and spirit and soul. I am WITH you and watch over you as you sleep and when you are awake.

Let me carry that. I’m here WITH you, waiting to fulfill my promise that my yoke is easy and my burden light. Let me pull the weight you were never meant to try and pull yourself but society and people and experiences have told you otherwise. Let Me handle this; I’m here WITH you, lovingly waiting to take it because I care too much about you to force you to do it. That’s why there’s free will- I love you too much to take anything from you without your consent.

I’m here. I’m with you. Let me take that so you can rest.

Once you do, and as you rest and be still You will actively know that I AM God because of what I will do and show you and work all things out for your good”.

He’s with me when there’s only so much compartmentalization I  can do until my brain becomes The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe. But at least there are underground, aqueducts, and wells of Living Water that can get both me and you through.


The underground aqueduct in our minds
The underground aqueduct in our minds

Bread Daily

I tend to forget or more downplay the specifics of God’s faithfulness and that He’s always wanting to hear from me.

But even though I’m trying to keep a journal I do think that God wants to show us how He goes with us (as believers God is IN us, closer than our breath) and is faithful everyday.

As the prayer He taught asks us to ask for / “give us this day our daily bread” and Jesus is the bread of life, wouldn’t it make sense that He knew we’d struggle with this (granted some more than others)?  Perhaps more importantly that we be asking for Him to reveal Himself and His attributes again each day not only because we may tend to forget it but because Jesus knew we’d need it to get through the day?

(I think the more we ask, the more we learn new answers and the closer we become; ie it’s not transactional to ask for daily bread, but a first question in a dialogue that is the basis for a true, authentic relationship NOT religion or a transactional relationship / quid pro quo).

I know volumes could/have been written about that prayer but as my Godfather said once, we could spend a life studying it and never get out all that there is to get out of it

By going back to His faithfulness it helps me with gratitude; something I have a lot of but either don’t vocalize it well enough or focus on it enough.

It’s strange because there are so many things I am grateful for but for as many things there are, there are as many instances of my forgetfulness to keep it in the forefront of my mind.

Now this is not to say I’m negating anything, ignoring the problems and pretending everything is coming up roses. There are a majority of days where I can only list one or two things at that point in time.

And in my book that’s a win- to even think of one in the darkness; for His sacrifice which allows me to have a restored relationship with God. To have Christ’s sacrifice take on the necessary atonement in my place. He died so I could live.

There’s a reason the temple curtain separating the Holy of Holies was torn from top to bottom when He died – no man could ever restore the ability to have a relationship with God because we are not perfect or holy and so Christ’s perfect, sinless life met the demands of the sacrifice to enter into the holy of holies and speak with God. Christ’s willingness to do so is the ultimate display of love and now when God looks at me, He doesn’t see me in my mistakes and failures and inability to enter on my own merit. He sees Christ. He’s made a way for me to come to Him anytime day or night, in any way shape or form and talk to Him. And He did this because He loves me and wants a relationship with me.

For that will always be my ultimate gratitude. I’m just working on keeping my eyes on that and watching how many other examples stem from that and grow upwards and outwards in all directions.

Here are commentaries regarding the above that can explain it better than I:

  1. The Veil being torn from top to bottom:

The most prominent use of the veil in the Bible is found in the context of the tabernacle and later the temple. The veil served as a physical barrier separating the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place, or the Holy of Holies, where the Ark of the Covenant was kept. This veil symbolized the separation between God and humanity due to sin. In Exodus 26:33, God instructs Moses, “Hang the veil under the clasps, and there you are to bring the ark of the Testimony, behind the veil. The veil will separate the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place.”

The veil’s significance is further highlighted in the New Testament during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. At the moment of His death, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, as recorded in Matthew 27:51: “At that moment the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked and the rocks were split.” This event symbolizes the removal of the barrier between God and humanity, granting believers direct access to God through the atoning work of Christ.

  1. God seeing Christ’s Righteousness instead of my past and my sin after believing in Christ as my (and the only) savior:

The phrase underscores the necessity of faith in the believer’s life. The Greek word for “believe” (πιστεύω, pisteuō) implies trust and reliance, not mere intellectual assent. This belief is specifically “in Him,” referring to God, who raised Jesus from the dead. The historical context of this statement is crucial, as the early Christians were defining their faith in contrast to both Jewish and pagan beliefs. This belief is not generic but is centered on the specific act of God raising Jesus, which is the cornerstone of Christian faith.

Old Testament, righteousness is often associated with adherence to the Law given to Israel. Deuteronomy 6:25 states, “And if we are careful to observe every one of these commandments before the LORD our God, as He has commanded us, then that will be our righteousness.” However, the prophets also emphasized that true righteousness involves justice, mercy, and humility before God, as seen in Micah 6:8 : “He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you but to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”

In the New Testament, righteousness is closely linked to faith in Jesus Christ. Romans 3:22declares, “And this righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.” This righteousness is not based on human effort but is imputed to believers through faith in Christ’s redemptive work on the cross. The Apostle Paul further explains in Philippians 3:9 , “And be found in Him, not having my own righteousness from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness from God on the basis of faith.”

The relationship between faith and righteousness is integral to the doctrine of justification. Justification is the act of God declaring a sinner righteous on the basis of faith in Jesus Christ. Romans 5:1 affirms, “Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” This peace with God is a result of being clothed in the righteousness of Christ, which is received by faith.

In summary, faith and righteousness are deeply interconnected in the biblical narrative. Faith is the means by which believers receive the righteousness of God, and righteousness is the evidence of a life transformed by faith. Together, they form the foundation of the believer’s relationship with God and the assurance of eternal life.


Topical Resources “Faith and Righteousness”. The Bible Hub. 2024. https://biblehub.com/topical/f/faith_and_righteousness.htm

Topical Resources, “Veil”. The Bible Hub. 2024 https://biblehub.com/topical/v/veil.htm